Comprehensive Campus Policy on NAGPRA @ 菠菜网lol正规平台

Presidential Directive

San José State University’s Protocol for Curation, Inventory, and Repatriation of Native American Remains Subject to the Native American and Graves Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and CalNAGPRA (California NAGPRA) (PD-2023-01)

Consultation Protocol

Tribal consultation informs all stages of our work; from revising and implementing campus-wide policy, to inventory and repatriation. Our protocols for handling and repatriation of cultural remains and ancestors were developed in these consultations.

NAGPRA/CalNAGPRA Transfer & Repatriation Protocol

Our goal is the full repatriation of ancestors and cultural items to Tribes, in accordance with consultations. These policies are meant to make this process efficient and transparent to our Tribal partners. 

Emergency Plan

Emergency plans for the care and protection of the human remains and cultural items in our care (forthcoming).

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns about 菠菜网lol正规平台 NAGPRA compliance