Compensation Review Process

Compensation Review Process

  • The review process conducted by Classification & Compensation may include any or all of the following:
    • Analysis of the materials associated with the position including the position description and the rationale for the requested change.
    • Interviews with incumbent, supervisor, and/or managers.
    • Comparison to other positions on the campus and/or within the CSU system for similarities and differences in matters such as scope, responsibility, skill level.
  • When Classification & Compensation has completed the review and analysis, a decision will be rendered and communicated to the requestor. If the review was employee-initiated, a copy of the decision will be sent to the manager.
  • Classification & Compensation will complete the Compensation Review Request in 90 days or less from the date the request is received in University Personnel.
  • Any compensation change will be effective on the first of the month following receipt of the request in University Personnel.

Compensation Appeal Process

  • Compensation decisions are final and are not subject to appeal.

For additional information contact Classification & Compensation at