Call for Nominations: Dean for the College of Education Search Committee
Sent: January 21, 2025
From: Vincent J. Del Casino, Jr., Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
The Office of the Provost is launching a national search for the next Dean of the Connie L. Lurie College of Education. The position is currently held by Dr. Heather Lattimer, who has accepted the role of Provost at California State University, Los Angeles. To ensure we attract the strongest pool of candidates, an executive search firm will be engaged to assist the search committee throughout the process.
I am seeking nominations for members to serve on this search committee. In accordance with university policy S16-8, the committee will include faculty, students, administrators and staff, with faculty comprising the majority. The composition of the committee will prioritize representation of the campus’s diversity, and if appropriate, alumni and community representatives may also participate.
I invite you to nominate yourself or others who are interested in serving in this important process. Nominations must include a written statement reflecting one’s interest and qualifications for serving on the search committee, including perspectives on diversity and inclusion. Submit your nomination form by 5 PM, January 30th. After receiving nominations, an election will be conducted for the faculty and staff positions as outlined below. Following elections and prior to finalizing appointments, the Provost shall review the committee membership and consult with the Senate’s Executive Committee, per policy. Any questions about this search process should be directed to Jessica Larsen,
Five faculty positions including two chairs
Nominees can be chairs, tenured, tenure track, or lecturer faculty. Five faculty,
at least four of whom are tenured, and at least two who are chairs, will be elected
by and from the college faculty. No more than two may be elected from any department.
One staff position
Staff can self-nominate or be nominated by others. A college-wide staff election will
be conducted for the staff representative to serve on the committee.
One student position
Each department shall nominate one student from its majors. The provost shall appoint
one student representative from among those nominated.
One dean position
The provost shall appoint one dean representative from outside the college searching
for a Dean.
One 菠菜网lol正规平台 Administrator or a Community member
Members of the college are encouraged to nominate a community representative or 菠菜网lol正规平台
administrator. Nominees should have experience or expertise relevant to one or more
of the programs in the college and who understand our commitment to diversity and
inclusion. The provost shall appoint one community representative or 菠菜网lol正规平台 administrator
from among those nominated.
It is my hope to have a committee appointed by early February so that we can begin the work of finding the next dean with the search to be concluded by the end of the Spring ‘25 semester. This is a very important search and we need someone who is going to build on the amazing momentum and incredible programs put together by faculty in collaboration with staff and students at 菠菜网lol正规平台. The Connie L. Lurie College of Education is a California and national leader and I anticipate attracting a very competitive pool of applicants. The search committee plays a critical role in this process.
Thank you, as usual, for all your amazing work. I look forward to working closely with the Search Committee to successfully find the next dean.
Vincent J. Del Casino, Jr.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs